The Fit Boss Custom Nutrition & Training
12 week Customized Nutrition foundational program. This program builds a baseline of understanding nutrition and will help build healthy habits for your journey.
The Fit Boss Custom Nutrition & Training includes:
- Initial phone call or FaceTime/Skype to get started, after all of the program details have been sent to you. This is where we go over any questions you may have and make sure you are ready to get started strong.
- Weekly email check-in with 24hr response time. You will recieve a customized VIDEO for feedback each week.
- Customized Team Fit Boss spreadsheet for tracking all of our data. Can be in Excel as a file or on the cloud as a Google Sheet. We can also work without a spreadsheet and still gather data in a way that is comfortable for you.
- Customized workout plan including weight training and cardio recommendations
- Email communications to go over any questions/concerns along the way.
- Building healthy habits, mindset, and setting short/medium/long term goals.
- Group support with other members of the team
The Fit Boss Custom Coaching Monthly